
Ciphers Codes Or Keys

This lesson is intended to teach the code or key. Attentio...

Match Boxing
Competitors are divided into equal teams and the teams are ar...

Food And Exercise
Bran, grain, and vegetables--such as peas, parsley, carrots, ...

Wall Ball Drill
_2 to 10 players._ _Out of doors; gymnasium._ _Hand b...

Lady Of The Land
_4 to 10 players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This...

The Robin
In the ordinary way one would not keep robins at all. They ar...

The Value Of A Map
A map of the country which the train passes through is an int...

Line Ball
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Schoolroom._ _Gas balls;...


Rows Of Paper Dolls
To make a row of paper dolls, take a piece of paper the height that the dolls are to be, and fold it alternately backward and forward (first one side and then the other) leaving about an inch between each fold. Pre...

A Pueblo Settlement
Suppose now that you have been reading about the life of the Pueblo Indians in our Southwest, and you have a picture of one of their singular settlements. The accompanying picture shows what was done in the way of ...

An Esquimau Village
Another class in the same school painted their bricks white to represent blocks of snow and made an Esquimau village. This is fascinating and easy to do. Or, the rounded huts can be modeled all in one piece directl...

A Filipino Village
Or if you get tired of living near the Arctic circle you can sweep your table clean of Esquimau dwellings and construct a Filipino village. For these you do not need bricks (which can be given a rest and put away i...